Author: Audrey Vernick
Illustrated By: Robert Neubecker
The hilarious and heartwarming story of a boy who tries to win a goldfish and winds up with FAR more than he bargained for. Fans of Sparky will flip for this whale of a tale!
I have to win this goldfish.
My parents won’t let me have anything fluffy. Or shaggy. Or feathery. Or that eats mice.
But finally, tonight, they say I can keep anything I win at the goldfish booth.
And I win!
Just not a goldfish.
I win…
What a super cute and fun book! I really enjoyed it even giggling at a few parts. When my son saw it we had to read it together and he giggled too. Why? Ok the idea of going to a fair thinking you'll win a cute little goldfish only to walk away with a whale!! And of course just thinking of the absurdity of that makes you giggle in more! Think of keeping a whale as a pet. Wouldn't that be a riot. Now wait don't send PETA after me I'm thinking of the way it's done in this book - where you keep it in a pool in your back yard and he loves it! It's just one of those stories that takes a concept so far that the absurdity of it just takes into the realm of pure silliness.
I could see using this book in the classroom and having students pick an animal that could keep as a pet and write about it using this book as a mentor text. I think it would it be so fun.
Final thought - Fun book that you can giggle over.